Sunday, March 29, 2009

Foods That Help Me Lose Weight

Foods that help me lose weight seems to be a priority on many grocery lists these days. With a large percentage of the population being over weight and many even being obese, it is a common problem for most families these days.

Losing weight seems to be a primary goal for many people. While I type these words late in the month of March, there are some people who made the new years resolution to lose weight and the are celebrating some success.

There are many others who made the same weight loss resolution and have had no success. One of the easiest ways to achieve your weight loss goals is to ask yourself this question. What are the foods that help me lose weight?

Follow This Link for list of Foods That Help Me Lose Weight!

I have been fighting with my weight for most of my adult life. When I was younger, it was much easier to keep the weight off. Playing basketball and always being active makes it much easier. As we grow older and become less active, the weight seems to pile on.

There are many ways to lose weight. Back in the late 90's, I used the "Atkins Diet". I went from 248 pounds down to about 185 pounds. This was achieved by eating almost all fat and protein and cutting out almost all carbohydrates and sugars. This is a perfect answer the the question about foods that help me lose weight.

The tricky part of this answer, however, is that if you eat the high protein and high fat foods on the Atkins diet and combine them with carbs and sugars, you will most likely gain weight and become as big as a house. lol (over weight humor)

I lost a quick 30 pounds another time by following a pretty cool diet. This one cuts back on the fat and you hold your calorie intake down to around 400 calories for 3 meals per day and 200 calories for 2 other meals per day. These meals are low in fat. Another example of the right combination of food in your diet to help you lose weight.

Check out this Dr.'s Weight Loss Secrets. Click Here.

Thats it for this post.

To Your Weight Loss Success.


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